Agreements Defined

Agreements Defined: Understanding the Basics

Agreements are an integral part of our daily lives. From business contracts to personal commitments, agreements are what bind us together and ensure that we can trust each other. But what exactly is an agreement, and how does it work? In this article, we will define agreements and explain their basic features.

What is an Agreement?

An agreement is a legally binding promise made between two or more parties to perform a specific action or actions. It is essentially a contract between the parties involved, which stipulates the terms and conditions that they have agreed to follow. Agreements can be verbal or written, although it is always recommended to have written agreements for clarity and enforceability.

An agreement can take many forms depending on the context and the parties involved. For example, there are employment agreements, lease agreements, sales agreements, partnership agreements, and many others. Each type of agreement has specific characteristics and requirements, but they all share the same basic principles: mutual assent, consideration, and legality.

Mutual Assent

Mutual assent, also known as meeting of the minds, is an essential element of any agreement. It means that both parties must have a clear understanding of the terms and conditions of the agreement and be willing to abide by them. This can be achieved through negotiation, communication, and documentation. Both parties must also have the legal capacity to enter into the agreement, which means they are of legal age and mentally competent.


Consideration is another key element of an agreement. It refers to the value or benefit that each party receives from the agreement. This can be monetary, such as payment or compensation, or non-monetary, such as the promise of future performance or services. Consideration is essential to make an agreement legally enforceable, as it ensures that both parties have something at stake and are motivated to fulfill their obligations.


Finally, every agreement must comply with the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction where it is formed. This means that the terms and conditions of the agreement must not violate any laws or public policies. For example, an agreement that involves illegal activities or infringes on someone`s rights is not enforceable.


In conclusion, agreements are a crucial part of our daily lives, and understanding their basic features is essential. A legally binding agreement requires mutual assent, consideration, and legality. Every agreement is unique and should be tailored to meet the needs of the parties involved. When forming an agreement, it is always recommended to seek the advice of legal professionals to ensure that it complies with the applicable laws and is enforceable.